I live in Brighton, England, two minutes from the sea, twenty minutes from the South Downs National Park, and right in the midst of all the quirkiness that Brighton has to offer. I moved back to the seaside in September 2020, after six years living in Washington, D.C., because Brighton Rocks!
Over the course of my career, I’ve been an academic, a parliamentary researcher, a fellow at a think tank, a civil servant, a campaigner and a nonprofit manager. All of these roles have been about supporting efforts to address governance challenges which contribute to social problems, in ways that are sensitive to the specificities of particular contexts, and which empower frontline actors to take the lead in addressing those challenges.
I moved on from my most recent role with Global Integrity, a non-profit organization based out of the Open Gov Hub in Washington D.C. and focused on governance and corruption, at the end of 2022. I am now taking some time to further explore the landscape of thinking and action around embracing complexity and catalyzing collaborative learning, for social change, internationally and closer to home.
I am particularly interested in the role that relationships – and the quality of relationships – play in supporting the collaborative and adaptive learning that is needed if social systems are to address complex challenges, for instance around poverty, corruption, or climate change, in ways that meet people’s needs.
My plan is to get involved in supporting a portfolio of interesting initiatives, to support collaborative learning around the issues I’m exploring, and to progressively work out how I can most usefully contribute to the wider ecosystem of actors leveraging learning to address complex challenges.
If this sounds interesting to you, feel free to drop me a line. I’m always happy to connect. My LinkedIn profile is here and my CV is here. Oh, and at least for now, I’m sharing my reflections about what I’m doing here.
Me, at Lookout Mountain, Shenandoah, on an awesome day’s riding with friends from Washington DC, October 2019.