Academic, parliamentary & ODI publications (1996-2010)

This page provides a full list of the various reports and publications that I wrote from 1996 until 2010.  I’ve provided links to many of the pieces. If you want access to any of the others and can’t find them on-line, just send me an e-mail.

While working for Global Integrity

Recent progress towards open fiscal governance in Latin America – in Nóesis: Review of Social Sciences & Humanities (in Spanish), with Jorge Florez

While working for One

How Can Donors Promote Budget Transparency and Accountability? The Use of Benchmarks and Incentives for Budget Transparency in Foreign Aid Programs, One Campaign + International Budget Partnership, note with Paolo de Renzio, 2013

While working for DFID

Summary Note of Roundtable on Domestic Accountability and Aid Effectiveness, European Development Days, 6th December 2010 – Lead author, written in personal (non-DFID) capacity

Aid Management and Utilisation in Ethiopia. Lead author of report for the Development Assistance Group of donors – although the report doesn’t necessarily reflect my views (2010)

With ODI

Making aid work: Practical guidance for parliamentarians on the role of parliaments in development effectiveness. Lead author of report for the Inter-Parliamentary Union and UNDP (2010)

Donor country domestic accountabilities: UK and Sweden case studies. Lead author for report for the French development agency, AFD (2009)

Domestic and mutual accountability for aid: Building stronger synergies. Contributing author to report for the Commonwealth Secretariat (2009)

Exploring “development success”: Indicators, stories and contributing factors. Lead author of report for the Gates Foundation (2009)

UK support for political parties: A stock-take. Joint author of report and team leader of project for DFID (2009)

Aid and domestic accountability. Lead author of background paper for a programme of research to be conducted by the OECD’s Network on Governance (2009)

Beyond Aid for Sustainable Development. Project Briefing from project for OECD (2009)

Building blocks for policy coherence for development. Lead author of synthesis report for the OECD (2009)

Implementing the Paris declaration on aid effectiveness: An assessment of Norway’s performance and progress. Lead author of report for Norad (2009)

Parliamentary strengthening and the Paris principles. Synthesis report and country case studies on Cambodia, Ghana, Tanzania, Uganda. Lead author of reports for DFID and CIDA (2009)

Paris Declaration Monitoring Survey. Country Chapters and Summary Report. Team Member in report for OECD (2008 and 2006)

Evaluating citizens’ voice and accountability: Review of the literature and donor approaches. Contributing author in report for a group of 6 European donors, including DFID (2007)

UK support for parliamentary strengthening: A Stocktake. Lead author of report for DFID (2007)

Policy coherence for development in the EU Council. Contributing author to report for DFID and the EU Presidency, completing case studies on policies on climate change, arms exports, trade, fisheries, sugar and migration (2006)

Mapping political context: A toolkit for civil society organisations. Lead author for report for DFID (2006).

UK Aid to Africa. Lead author for report to UFJ Institute, Japan (2005)

For the UK Parliament’s Select Committee on International Development

Darfur, Sudan: The responsibility to protect (2005)

The Commission for Africa and policy coherence for development: First do no harm. (2004)

DFID’s Departmental Report for 2004 and DFID’s Departmental Report for 2002 (2004 and 2002)

Migration and development: How to make migration work for poverty reduction. (2004)

Kenya: DFID’s Country Assistance Plan for 2004-07 and progress towards the Millennium Development Goals (2004)

Trade and development at the WTO: Learning the lessons of Cancun to revive a genuine development round (2003)

Trade and development at the WTO: Issues for Cancun (2003)

The humanitarian crisis in southern Africa (2003)

Financing for development: Finding the money to eliminate world poverty (2002)

The effectiveness of the reforms of European development assistance (2002)

Strategic Export Controls – sections on arms exports and sustainable development (2002 and 2003)

Academic and personal publications

Equitable trade and development: The WTO and beyond, in Just World: A Fabian Manifesto, The Fabian Society, 2005

Protecting Darfur? Parliamentary accountability in the UK, in Humanitarian Exchange, ODI, 2005

Advocacy by UK-based development NGOs, Non-Profit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, Vol. 31 (2002), No. 3, pp.402-418.

NGOs’ transnational advocacy networks: From ‘legitimacy’ to ‘political responsibility’, Global Networks, Vol. 1 (2001).

Offshoreness, globalisation and sovereignty: Post-modern geo-political economy?, Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, Vol. 25 (2000), No. 3, pp.269-283, Royal Geographical Society.

Making the connection: Legitimacy claims, legitimacy chains and Northern NGOs’ international advocacy, pp.89-97 in Lewis, D. and Wallace, T. (eds.) (2000), New roles and relevance: Development NGOs and the challenge of change.

Towards a global geo-political economy, pp.57-67 in Kent, A. (ed.) (2000) Reflective practice in geography teaching. Sage.

Offshores onshore: New regulatory spaces and real historical places in the landscape of global money, pp.139-154 in Martin, R. (ed.) (1999), Money and the space economy, Wiley.

Reshaping the regulatory landscape: Border skirmishes around the Bahamas and Cayman offshore financial centres, Review of International Political Economy, Vol. 5, (1998).

Placing trust, trusting place: On the social construction of offshore financial centres, Political Geography, Vol. 17 (1998).

Beyond the borders: Globalization, sovereignty and extra-territoriality, Geopolitics, Vol. 3 (1998).

Software for qualitative research: a prospectus and overview, Environment and Planning A, Vol. 29 (1997).

Plausibility, imaginative geographies and a global foreign currency exchange system: comments on Mendez, Review of International Political Economy, Vol. 3 (1996) – jointly-authored with S. Corbridge.

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