Today is my last day of working for ODI; at least until next June. It’s been … an experience. On the upside, I’ve been involved in some very interesting pieces of work on accountability and governance, and on policy coherence. I’ve learned a lot and have worked with some great people both at ODI and at the various agencies which I’ve done work for (DFID, OECD, UNDP, Norad, European Commission CIDA, Commonwealth Secretariat, IPU, AFD). On the downside … actually, I’ll try to focus on the up-side, but overall, it’s certainly time for me to take on a new challenge and one that is less about coming up with new conceptual frameworks to look at X and is more about trying to get people to work together to achieve Y. And working in Ethiopia – particularly in the run-up to elections in May 2010 – will be a great opportunity for me to learn about development effectiveness and country ownership in practice.