Given the increased interested in tax havens and tax justice, I’ve decided to put the publications that came out of my Ph.D. on tax havens on-line. I wish now, as I wished then, that I’d taken more of a “what are the implications of tax havens and capital flight for developing countries?” line, but the attached may still be of interest both for the detail that they provide about the evolution of the Bahamas and Cayman, and for the way in which they conceptualise the relationship between globalisation and sovereignty and explain the role that tax havens play in that relationship. If you’re interested in seeing my Ph.D., drop me a line.
Reshaping the regulatory landscape: Border skirmishes around the Bahamas and Cayman offshore financial centres,Review of International Political Economy, Vol. 5, (1998).
Placing trust, trusting place: On the social construction of offshore financial centres, Political Geography, Vol. 17 (1998).
Beyond the border: Globalization, sovereignty and extra-territoriality, Geopolitics, Vol. 3 (1998).
Offshores onshore: New regulatory spaces and real historical places in the landscape of global money, pp.139-154 in Martin, R. (ed.) (1999), Money and the space economy, Wiley.
Offshoreness, globalisation and sovereignty: Post-modern geo-political economy?, Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, Vol. 25 (2000), No. 3, pp.269-283, Royal Geographical Society.